Introducing Balance & Conditioning Classes
In May 2018, Maroubra Road Physiotherapy are starting a dynamic balance program focused on strength, power, and high level balance for those of you who want to improve your overall function.
About the Program:
The program is for any age level and is designed to progressively develop the components needed for control of movement. The benefits of good balance are not only to avoid falls, but more importantly to improve hip and pelvic control when most of your weight is on one leg (such as during walking, running or climbing stairs). The “use it or lose it” principal applies well to balance and research has shown that high level balance training is effective.
Professional Guidance and Support:
Our classes will be taught by one of our physiotherapists – Sharon Penner – who has worked extensively in active rehabilitation and sports conditioning. To get the best results out of the program we have incorporated a 30 minute private assessment to look at previous/existing injuries and current fitness levels. This exercise program can be claimed through most health funds. See below for further details:
When will the classes be held?
Tuesday 2:30pm or Friday 11am
for 5 weeks starting May 8, 2018
How much will it cost?
- $180 for the full program which covers:
- $80 for a private 30 minute screening assessment where we consider your current fitness level, goals and pre-existing conditions PLUS one free trial class
- $100 for the 4 remaining sessions
The classes may be eligible for private health insurance rebate. Please check with your private health insurance provider to see if your fund can cover the cost
Where will the classes be?
Maroubra Road Physiotherapy
Shop 4-5, 16 Maroubra Road, Maroubra, NSW 2035
Who should attend?
Anyone is welcome and spots are limited!! Contact us now at
(02) 9314 3888 for more information and to register your interest